Training and Placement

Our aim is to place eligible student in the best job suitable according to their skills and capabilities.

  • The corporate sector is well known for its dynamism, challenges out of box thinking and a hunger for performance . so the institute has always tried to develop and maintain relationships with the corporate world through industry. Institute relationship initiatives. Students are trained on corporate communications, soft skills, presentation skills, formal etiquettes and much more, to help students plan their careers and look for the best opportunities available in the market , in accordance with their abilities and interests.
  • In view of this, the placement cell makes sure that students get to interact with industry professionals and experts on regular basis through seminars and workshops, industrial visits and study tours, and summer internships. Students are trained on the process of selection. i.e personal interviews, group discussions and written tests which include reasoning and aptitude.
  • The institute shall try to provide opportunity to all its registered students to secure one job at the first instance & pursue a policy of ‘One student One job’ until at least 80% of the eligible students in a particular discipline get a job.
  • Each eligible student will be given a maximum of 5 attempts in campus placements drive.
  • Once 80% of the eligible students of a programme get one job, the eligible student already seeking a job will be eligible to apply for another job. A student who has obtained a second job in this fashion will not be allowed to appear for any more interviews.
  • Our Institution has tie-up with most of the reputed organization in and around india for Campus placement.

Placement Process

  • Purpose of this training is to help students develop necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes required in this field.
  • To provide students with an opportunity to gain insight into the selected field and to understand the working culture of organizations.
  • To recognize his capabilities & show responsibities and develop creating solutions.
  • To gain deeper understanding in specific functional areas.
  • To help in exploring career opportunities in this areas of interest.
  • Campus interview:Our association with large Industries, Commercial firms & corporate bodies, our students have benefited every year with progressive remuneration and rewarding placement in reputed organizations.

  • The Placement & Training cell, headed by a senior professor, helps student plan their career. It organizes interview and group discussions to familiarize students with standard selection procedures.